About Fit Over 40


About Fit Over 40

Clarence Ferguson is an accomplished Fitness Professional, Podcast host who has written several blogs and written articles for fitness magazines and fitness sites. He has been a guest as an expert on several podcasts.

Ferguson was the co-instructor with Kick Fit which traveled North America in the 90s teaching group Kickboxing . He holds several certifications and is a certified nutritionist specialist and certified trainer with Tom Purvis’s ResistanceTraining Specialist Mastery level. This knowledge of Joint mechanics and how to construct an exercise led to his desire to deal with the 40-plus crowd. Thus the formation of Fit Over 40. Most in that demographic, have had to deal with Joint pain, back injuries, former injuries, and all the issues that one would face after 40.

With Over 32 years in the industry, you’re in good hands. Our strategy of finding root problems, and addressing systemic issues guides you in discovering your restrictive barriers. Once discovered the solutions become available to you.


Comprehensive Assessment


We delve into all areas of your current state of fitness, your past, and where you feel you can go. This determines the path will take. We do not subscribe to a cookie-cutter approach, as we know everybody is different and therefore treated as such. We assess physical limitations, joint restrictions, size, and mobility limitations. Health issues both systemic and pathological. We use a comprehensive assessment process looking at current exercise, nutrition, sleep, external factors, digestion, and mindset barriers.


Once this information is gathered we can design a program that will guide you to the success you desire. By targeting the areas that are barriers to your success we can then collectively guide you to transformative behaviors that are in line with your stated goals. You’ll discover the power of coaching and how this accountability keeps you from the typical pitfalls of going it alone. Weekly data-based adjustments help us to ensure we are on track and continually progressing.


Our team is constantly analyzing ourselves and tweaking things as more data becomes available. We require weekly check-ins, again you are not left out in the cold. The biggest reason people fail in fitness is a lack of knowledge or information overload. It is our job to weed through the baseless claims, and the fad diets and point you back to the path that will provide you with the most success. Weekly assessment calls keep us on track and prepared for what either propels you or is stopping progress.

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